This Workout is one of the best to increase the size and strength of the muscles in your butt and legs, but also te muscles in your upper body.
This Women's Workout Routine which involves weight-bearing and weight-free exercises it is ponted to increase your muscle mass (hypertrophy) in legs, buttocks, and other parts of the body.
This workout also works to gain absolute strength and muscle endurance, all at the same time.
Workout routine for hypertrophy, strength and resistance to strenght for women
First set: 15 to 20 reps with low weight.
Second set: 15 to 12 reps with moderate weight
Third and fourth set: 8 to 12 reps with heavy weight.
Rest between sets from 60 to 120 seconds. The more weight you add the more time to rest you´ve got to apply.
Day 1: Chest - triceps
Exercise 1. Bench press with barbell or dumbbell, without inclination (bench parallel to the ground) and another day you do with inclination.
This exercise can help you to reaffirm your breasts by simply exercising your pectoral muscles.
For your performance, be aware that some women often experience discomfort when they perform this exercise with a bar, or other women simply have a kind of imbalance of force in one of its arms so that the barbell is often flanked both in the eccentric (down) and concentric (up) phases of this exercise.
Therefore, if you know that you suffer from this imbalance, or some pain when doing it with bar or if this bank is very busy and you are in a hurry, then do it with dumbbells in another bench also without inclination or with inclination.
Do not exaggerate in the descent (eccentric phase) to avoid compromising too much the glenohumeral joints of each shoulder-arm.
Exercise 2. Dumbbell openings on inclined bench or incline not according to the previous exercise (if the previous exercise you did on an inclined bench, then you do this on a bench without inclination).
You do not have to do a very exaggerated opening of the arms nor do you have to stretch them completely when you open, to avoid that the joints of the shoulders and elbows suffer too much to avoid injuries.
Focus on tightening tightly by joining the dumbbells (without bumping them).
Exercise 3. Pull over with dumbbell on bench without inclination.
Do not overdo it by carrying the dumbbell too far behind your head.
Also do not lower the dumbbell when you have it above your chest since this exercise is not to exercise the triceps directly, and also you could hit your breasts unnecessarily.
Focus on the pecs and thus on the re-affirmation of the breasts. When you have the dumbbell above your chest, instead of approaching it towards your chest, try to do a scapular protraction, that is, as if trying to keep it farther, keeping your arms stretched.
If you have a good level, you can try to do it as well showed on the first two images so that at the same time you can perform an isometric contraction in your legs, glutes and abs. If not, then you do it with full support on the butt as shown in the third image.
NOTE: With these three previous exercises it may be more than enough to exercise your pectoral muscles. If you notice that you have more time, you can also apply the following exercises:
Exercise 4. Crosses or protraction with chest pulleys, with and without shoulder flexion (lifting of arms).
In the variant shown in the first image, in addition to working the pectorals, the anterior fibers of the deltoids are also stimulated but not with the same intensity as the pectorals. Keep in mind when climbing and closing, tighten very well.
In the descent (eccentric phase) do not let yourself be beat by the pulleys but try to be a phase of controlled and relatively slow movement.
One day you can run the first variant (first image) and the other day that you touch you choose the second variant (second image).
Exercise 5. Chest inclined ("Hammer").
Unfortunately not all gyms have this type of machine, which also usually comes with pulleys.
If there is in your gym, then take advantage of it because it is an excellent complement to the work of your pecs.
You can work unilaterally and / or bilaterally, that is, by doing the repetitions first with one side of your body and then with the other side, while the other side maintains an isometric / sustained contraction (keeping the arm stretched) to stimulate more muscular endurance.
Exercise 6. Prone arm push-ups. Wrongly called chest push-ups. You can make each series until failure.
Without a good level you can do them as shown above the image, and if not then do it by supporting your knees on the floor, mat, carpet, etc.
Exercise 7. Stand Pulley Triceps Extension with variable grip (push down).
You can try to raise the pulley further so that the 90 ° angle that forms between the arm and the forearm "breaks", as shown in the second image, thus generating a smaller angle which would cause the range of motion to be more so that more muscle fibers can be stimulated.
If, however, you feel a lot of pain in the joints of your elbows and / or wrists, then you can either try a different grip bar as shown by letting the pulley go only until the 90 ° angle is formed degrees, as shown in the first image.
Exercise 8. Press with barbell in W or normal barbell, depending on how you feel more comfortable, with arms opening at shoulder width.
Exercise 9. Extension on standing pulley. If the pulley is too busy or if you find it very uncomfortable, then you can do it with barbell or dumbbell, standing or sitting on a bench with back support.
NOTE: With these three exercises it may be more than enough for the work of the brachial triceps of each your arms. But if you notice that you have more time, you can also apply the following exercises:
Exercise 10. Triceps kick with dumbbell or pulley.
This exercise can be done with dumbbells, with pulleys or terabands, depending on the focus (toning, strength, volume, etc.).
You can do it with two arms or with one arm and then with the other. Always keep a good posture (do not go to hump).
Exercise 11. Dips.
If you have a good level you can do as the first image shows.
If you have a medium level and also want to stimulate muscle fibers of your legs, buttocks and abdomen, you can do it with the feet support in a fitball.
If you do not have a lot of strength and stability, then you do it as shown in the third image.
Do not exaggerate in a very deep descent unless you have much experience, in order to avoid an overload (often unnecessary) of the articulations of the shoulders.
Day 2: Legs and butt
Exercise 1. Free squat with barbell on the trapezius muscle or on the pectoralis and anterior fibers of the deltoids (as it is easier for you).
If you notice that your back and / or knees suffer too much, then you can try it on smith machine (although I always consider it better free squat with barbell because helping to maintain balance stimulates more muscle fibers).
The other you can try is to lower progressively as you advance the workouts, as shown in the images, or start lowering until the angle formed between the legs and thighs is much greater than 90 °, then lower until the angle formed is equal to or very close to 90 °, and later try to make a deeper descent.
Exercise 2. DeadLift with barbell or dumbbell (with the bar you could carry much more weight).
When you perform this exercise with a bar, the grip can vary according to the weight you want to lift.
If a palm-grip is seen facing the front, one arm, and a hand-held grip facing the back of the other arm, it usually tends to be able to lift more weight, as for the execution of the exercise with dumbbells, you can use it as a variant (one day with barbell and another day with dumbells).
Also, if you notice that you have a difference in strength (one arm stronger than the other), if there are no barbells available or if you feel more comfortable, then you do it with dumbbells.
Remember not to jostle at any time (neither in the ascent nor in the descent) to avoid injury.
Exercise 3. Inclined press.
You can do with two legs at the same time or with one, this last option you can use it when you have a short time to load this press machine with many discs, or just for a change.
In addition, you can also add the variant of the opening of the legs, that is to say one day doing with legs wide open, another day with legs wide open to the shoulders and another day doing it with legs almost totally together.
Or you can do one series with one leg opening and the other series with other leg openings, to work more muscle fibers in a single training session.
Exercise 4. Flexion for femoral biceps, lying down.
This exercise can also vary as the press exercise, as to the opening of the legs and how to work with one or both legs.
You can also test in the last repetition of each series to hold for a few seconds the contraction (the concentric phase, that is when you raise the pulley) and then let the eccentric phase continue in a relatively slow and controlled way.
Exercise 5. Front Lunges with dumbbells or barbell behind or in front.
You can do them on the site or if you have more level then you can move as such forward.
Backwards you can also move but you must be much more careful depends on how you feel more comfortable, you can do with dumbbells or with the bar on the trapezius muscle or on the chest and anterior fibers of the deltoids.
Exercise 6. Side lunges with barbell on the trapezius or sitting adductor muscle.
It depends on your level, the availability of the machines and how you feel, you can choose one or another exercise to work more closely your adductor muscles.
Of course other leg muscles and gluteal area are also stimulated. If you end up very exhausted with previous exercises (squats, deadlifts, press, etc.), then choose to perform this exercise on the adductor machine as shown in the third image.
Exercise 7. Stand calves raises in smith machine, in press or there are also specific machines for this purpose to exercise the triceps sural, as shown in the following pictures.
Avouid bouncing when performing each movement very quickly. Try to go down well and climb as high as you can. That the movement is controlled and not too fast or "crazy" there are other machines but these are the most common.
Exercise 8. Sitting calves raises.
If the opening of the feet in the previous exercise was with the tips "looking" in front, in this seated machine you can choose to make the tips look forward but more towards the center or out.
Exercise 9. Extensions for quadriceps. You can work on one leg or both legs at the same time.
Day 3: Shoulder (deltoids) - trapezius, biceps and forearms
Exercise 1. Military press with barbell or dumbbell, sitting or standing.
If you do not have "unevenness or imbalance" of strenght (or one arm stronger than the other), you can try to do with bar.
And if you consider that you have a good level, good strength in your core area, legs and buttocks, you can venture to do it standing, this also allows you to tone in an indirect and direct muscles of the gluteal region and legs always keep a good posture, do not go to jorobar or sitting or standing.
Exercise 2. Lifts / Side openings with dumbbells.
If you feel capable, you can do it standing up. It is not easy since maintaining a good posture also requires extra energy and a very good toning also of muscles of the core area, legs and glutes.
Then you can try to do it sitting on a bench with back support, and in a next workout you can try to make it stand with less weight and then test if you can add more weight without the technique being compromised. In addition, avoid climbing too much the arms so as not to unnecessarily compromise the shoulder joints.
Exercise 3. Front raises with dumbbells.
Do not overdo the dumbbells over the account, much less when handling very high weights. Avoid excessive and unnecessary compromising of these joints. You can do it with both arms at the same time alternately as shown in the second image.
Exercise 4. Rowing with bar for trapezius muscle.
Try to make the grip comfortable, without causing excessive tension or discomfort in the wrists.
The point is to stimulate mainly the trapezius muscle and the deltoids, and not that the joints suffer from more, for this reason the W-shaped barbell is the best option for a grip that prevents the wrists from ache.
Exercise 5. Scapular retraction with disks or dumbbells, with scapular retraction.
When you go up / down, if you want to stimulate your trapezius muscle even more, then you must retract the shoulder blades, that is, "throw" them back as far as you can.
Exercise 6. Biceps curl with bar, standing. The grip can vary depending on how you sit (prevent your wrists from suffering more).
If you do it with the W-shaped barbell, the grip is usually more comfortable. The point is to stimulate the muscles of the anterior part of the upper limbs. Another thing to keep in mind is to lower well (full eccentric phase) and raise (concentric phase) and tighten as well as you can.
Exercise 7. Preacher sitting with barbell or pulley.
It depends on availability. You can also vary, one day you do with barbell and another day on pulley. Here too you should let both the eccentric and concentric phases of the exercise be complete (lower well in a controlled manner, and climb well).
Exercise 8. Biceps curl with pronation grip. You can do it with bar or pulleys, standing or sitting. You can vary every day.
Exercise 9. Flexion and extension of forearms in pronation. You can do it with bar or dumbbells as the image shows.
Exercise 10. Flexing and extension of forearms with supine grip, with barbell or dumbbells depending on availability, although you can also vary a day in one form and another day with barbell or dumbbell.
Day 4: Back - Triceps
Exercise 1. Seated pulley rowing.
Exercise 2. Pulley rowing (Lat pull) with front thimble towards the chest.
You can also do it with a transverse pole, but when you put a lot of weight, this movement can about almost unnecessarily stress the shoulder joints. Take care of an injury.
Exercise 3. Pull over on pulley for back muscles.
Exercise 4. Standing Rowing with barbell.
Exercise 5. Pull ups. Depending on your level you can do it without help, or with the machine so that later you can do it alone.
Exercises 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, use the same applied on day 1.
Day 5 (leg) do the same of day 2
Day 6 (Shoulder (deltoids) - trapezius, biceps and forearms) do the same from day 3
Which days should you apply this workout?
This workout routine is possible to be applied every day, but to be able to achieve good esthetic results (bigger and toned butt and legs, for example), it is strictly necessary to be able to apply good habits of life in terms of nutrition, good hours and quality of sleep, etc.
This Workout routine for women has a special focus on the lower muscles such as the one located on buttocks, the muscle biceps femoris, quadriceps, adductors, etc., and also a focus on relatively smaller muscles such as the shoulders (deltoids) and arms (biceps brachii, triceps brachii, brachialis, coracobrachial, extensors and flexors of the forearms).
But, although I already mentioned that this exercise routine can be performed every day, it can also be modified to train less days a week since it is programmed by Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, and so until Day 6.
So if for example on Monday you applied the exercises stipulated for Day 1, and on Tuesday you could not train for some reason like work, school or because you simply felt very exhausted, then on Wednesday you resume Day 2. And so, that the order of Days (1, 2, 3 ... 6) is followed in that strict order and can give to work on the day of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday ... Sunday) that you can.
In this specific training routine for women (although some men may also want to apply it), endurance exercises are combined with series of equal numbers of repetitions with loads of between 60% and 70% of your RM, and also with series in ascending and / or descending pyramid to mix resistance, strength and hypertrophy, and also exercises with series focused on the gain of absolute force applying on average 8 repetitions each, handling weights of about 85% to 85% of your RM.
Important aspects to take into account before to apply to this workout routine
1. What is RM or 1RM and how to calculate it?
The abbreviation RM or 1RM is the abbreviation for "One-Rep-Max or Maximum Repetition" and simply indicates the weight that you can use for a given exercise with which you can perform only one repetition (not one more even if you wanted).
This value can be found by medium formulas using less weight as a basis (more used in less experienced women), or can simply be calculated directly by weighing heavier weights (usually the latter option is used for more experienced women).
NOTE: The first few days of this workout routine can be used to perform these RM calculations by executing each proposed exercise later in the routine.
Formulas for calculating 1RM for a given exercise:
1RM = (Weight x 0.0333 x reps to failure) + Weight lifted
Example: If you raise in the free squat with a bar 100 kg total (adding everything, bar and discs) and with this weight you could make a maximum of 18 repetitions, then the 1RM for this exercise would be calculated by means of the following formula suggested:
1RM = (100 x 0.0333 x 18) + 100 = 159.94 ie approximately 160 kg
1RM = weight lifted / (1.0278 - (0.0278 x No. of replicates) (Brzycki formula).
Example: If in the dead weight exercise you can lift a total weight of 150 kg (adding everything: bar and discs) and with this weight you could perform a maximum of 8 repetitions, then the RM for this exercise would be calculated as:
1RM = 150 / (1.0278 - (0.0278 x 8)) = 186.24 which could approach 185 kg or 187 kg (depending on the disks in the gym).
2. Variation of the exercises applying different systems each week, for each one. The point is to vary what is applied for each exercise in each week.
For example, the exercises you used this week to work on your absolute strength (doing sets of 8 repetitions with weights between 80% and 85% of your RM), the following week you must use them either to perform series in ascending pyramid handling weights between 60% and 75% of your RM, or to work sets of 15 repetitions each with weights between 60% and 70% or 75% of your RM.
3. Order to apply the exercises according to each training system.
First, the exercises to work on muscular endurance (series of 15 repetitions with weights between 60% and 75% of the RM) should be started, followed by exercises for the stimulation of absolute strength (sets of 8 repetitions with weights between 80% and 85% or maximum 90% of the RM) and then end up with ascending or descending pyramid exercises (for example, the first set with 18 repetitions with a weight of 60% of the RM, the second with 15 repetitions with a weight of 65% of the RM, the third of 12 repetitions with a weight of 75% of the RM and the last one with 8 or 10 repetitions with a weight, for example 80% or 85% of your RM, of course going up gradually weights in each repetition) to combine all variables (strength, resistance, hypertrophy) in the same training session.
4. Number of sets and exercises to be performed. This depends on how long you can devote to your workouts. It is recommended that you do a maximum of 4 sets per exercise and a minimum of 2. This applies to all exercises.
Same applies for exercises. It is recommended that you do a minimum of three exercises per muscle group (applying a training system for each exercise) and a maximum of 5 or 6 exercises per muscle group.
5. Warm up before starting the training session.
You can choose to perform warm-up time on treadmill, elliptical, rowing, climber or stationary bike for about 5 to 10 minutes before starting each training session. For example if you are going to use the treadmill, try to ensure that the speed is not too high (between 8 and 9 km / h) with a maximum incline rating of 3%.
6. Stretching to optimize muscle recovery. You must stretch only at the end of the whole session after 10 minutes of having finished everything (when you are calm again).
I do not recommend stretching during breaks between sets of exercises because if you do you can reduce the working capacity of muscles and can increase the risk of injury (just do it if you suffer from a cramp, but if you warm well and hydrate well, you should not have these muscle cramps).
7. Hydration or hydro-mineral balance. In some women simply taking sips of water in breaks between sets may be more than enough.
However, it is best to be able to drink a hypotonic or isotonic drink whether you buy it or take it with you from home, Since maintaining a good balance between sodium and potassium is a key point to allow good muscle contractions and at the same time avoid those annoying and sometimes painful cramps.
8. The training of the muscles of the core zone or central zone. These muscles (rectus abdominis, transverse abdomen, obliques and dorsal width and others in the lower back) should work either at the end or at the beginning (after warming up) of your training routine.
If you choose to apply at the beginning you make sure to strengthen them to face your training routine, although the "bad" on some occasions is that you could end up very exhausted to be able to perform the rest of your routine exercises to the maximum, so try you feel when doing them at first compared to applying them to the end of the training routine (before stretching).
You can apply a working system with each set executed to failure. You can also apply exercises with weights like for example crunches in pulley and do for example 4X8 with high weights. All this depends on your goals in this area (mark, volume in abs, just tone, etc.).
Final aspects to consider for this workout routine
1. Remember and apply the initial aspects already mentioned at the beginning of the routine.
2. If this week you did Chest-triceps, shoulder-biceps and back-triceps, then the following week works Chest-biceps, shoulder-triceps and back-biceps.
3. You can apply more or less exercises depending on the time and how you feel. For example you can apply only 1 of each form of training, that is one of a series of 15 repetitions, one for absolute force (series of 8 repetitions) and one of pyramidal form. If you have a lot of time you can apply 2 exercises for each form of training.
4. Breaks between sets may vary according to your level. For example for the series of 15 repetitions you can rest in average 60 seconds. For force series (repetitions of 8) you can rest for an average of 2 minutes. For pyramidal series the rest may increase as weights increase.
5. The nutritional part and the good hours and quality of sleep are crucial to achieve the results you want: for better muscle and nervous system recovery, and in general a recovery of your body that can point to better physiological adaptations.
6. If you can only train 3 days a week, try to be separate days, ie Monday, Wednesday and Friday. It is not recommended to train 3 days in a row and rest 4 days in a row since during this time physiological maladjustments can occur that can lead to some injury, when the workouts are returned and resumed with the same intensity.
7. If you can only train 3 days a week, in addition to following the previous recommendation, try to perform full body routines by choosing 2 exercises for the work of each muscle group. I usually recommend starting with working the legs, but this really lies in everyone.