Benefits for Women when they lift weights. There are a lot of reasons why women should workout hard by lifting some decent weights in order to gain muscles, burn fat but also to improve their health in many ways.
Believe me when I say many men have opined that a woman with non-exaggerated muscles (like women shown in the image below) and with low percentages of fat, is very attractive. Or even with not so low percentages of body fat.
Women can workout not only to have bigger butt and legs but also to have a sexy back (not a masculine one). Keep in mind that just as men must workout their legs (Although many men get lazy when they have to train these areas).
Women should be concerned on training upper part of their body: chest, back, shoulder and arms, and obviously the abdominals that not only serve to give a beautiful figure, but also to strengthen this area and protect it from future injuries from weightlifting.
Not afraid to gain weight by lifting weights
A trick that many women are afraid to apply, but that works great, is to eat more or less every 2 hours in small portions, which could lead more or less from 6 to 8 meals a day, so that way their metabolism stays active and helps to use the Fats (fatty acids) as energy and thus eliminate them (burn fat) without applying a super-strict diets.
To have the privilege of eating what we want, although without exaggerating, or rather, to have the privilege of having an attractive body without the need to follow horrible and excessive diets which leave us hungry and exhausted, we must have time daily (or at least 4 times a week) to go to gym and train like beasts.
Go to the gym not only to practice those aerobics that the only thing they do is to get us to sweat but not to burn fat in a good percentage, which is what we want, what you want (besides getting bigger butt and perhaps bigger legs).
In order to burn fat, you have to gain muscles, give them reasons to grow.
Women, do not be afraid to train hard, no matter how much weight we lift we will never get a male body (unless we inject steroids) which is the fear of all of us. If we lift decent weights in every set of any exercise, we are going to have a muscular but also feminine body, also strong, thanks to the gain of muscle.
This muscle gaining will force us to burn more fat even when we are resting, also when we are sleeping and when we must to carry out daily activities. And will be superior when we workout even harder.
In other words: during extreme exercise, the first source of energy will be carbohydrates (glucose), and then the fatty acids. However, for fatty acids (accumulated fat) to get into "action" during training period, we must spend a lot of time in the gym to deplete our glucose stores, which I do not recommend because it could have health problems like Hypoglycemia, among others.
I also do not recommend fasting because it could bring problems like these in addition to a significant loss of muscle mass.
So, the more muscles you gain this will improve the mitocondria creation and this will improve the uptake and use of oxygen to burn fat even while training hard: when beats per minute are relatively high.
Keep in mind that the best thing to improve this aerobic capacity will be to combine weight lifting and Cardio.
Exercising during fasting period is bad for health and skeletal muscle tissue.
So, in order to make our body, in a state of rest, use more body fat as energy, we must lift good weights in the gym to get bigger and / or stronger muscles, so this way Basal Metabolic Rate increases.
I know many women, including myself, go to the gym, and we train pretty hard, we do exercises like squats and deadlifts that demand a large amount of energy, which activates our metabolism and helps us gain muscle and lose /burn fat in a state of rest (and also a little while working out), achieving an attractive figure to improve our self-esteem.
To get bigger butt and legs, which is what usually motivates many women to train hard, it is necessary to give them reasons to grow and this is mainly achieved by forcing the muscles of these to fight and to oppose external loads of weight, which is why sometimes it becomes very necessary either to attend a gym that has a varied equipment or acquire good tools (barbells, dumbbells, etc.) to train at home, in a park or some other place.
Although I should also add that training with our own body weight can generate good or at least decent results, bearing in mind that this depends very much on the genetic potential of each one, our diet, lifestyle habits, etc.
The higher and stronger our muscle mass is the lower body fat we will have (although it also has a lot to do with the the nutritional part: the diet), so one reason to motivate you even more to lift weights, is this fact, because thanks to a pronounced muscular hypertrophy by moving or lifting heavy weights or at least decent weights, will cause your basal metabolic rate to increase which forces fat burning to be more efficient when you are in a state of relative rest, and higher when you are training.
Of course, the above should be combined with a good nutritional plan (NOTE: it has to be good and adequate and not strict, so you do not have to eliminate all kinds of carbohydrates, because if you do it you could put your health at risk).
Remember that you are no going to get a male body due to weightlifting so you should not worry and should not prevent you from training like beast, since performing hundreds of repetitions with light weight is a total waste of time (unless you have a super genetic potential), and if what you want is simply to get muscular toning, then performing many sets and reps with light weights is a good way to achieve it, but also, and cheaper (you do not have to pay for gym), is to workout intensive with your own body weight.
Although I must emphasize that women who train many hours a day very intensely and extensively, over the months, may experience alterations in their menstrual cycle which can make them to get a more pronounced muscular development and "lose" a touch of femininity in their physical appearance. But this happens in extreme cases, as for example in some athletes who train professional crossfit, athletics (shot put, for example), etc.
If you have any questions, or if you need any advice, you can write me in the comments since I have a degree in Physical Education and Sports and I am also Gym Trainer with emphasis in Physiology and Nutrition.