How to increase Human Growth Hormone naturally in our bodies

How can I boost human growth hormone naturally in my body?

Is it possible to raise the production of human growth hormone without consuming drugs? These are questions many people ask because it is an important hormone produced by the pituitary gland which plays a key role in growth (tissues and therefore height), body composition (increase of muscle mass by increasing the Protein synthesis and reduction of body fat), cell repair and metabolism in general.

Here I will mention some tips that you can apply to increase the production of human growth hormone naturally in your body.

How to stimulate human growth hormone in adolescents and children?

Growth hormone stimulates mainly the muscles so these can grow and for this main reason many men and women want to try almost any way to increase its natural production.

It also helps improve muscle strength and performance during exercise sessions, and also helps post-workout recovery, recovery after suffering some injury and / or illness.

Why is it important to help increase human growth hormone levels?

You should keep in mind that low levels of growth hormone (GH or HGH) can negatively affect your quality of life, increase the risk of gaining body fat, you also can notice some reduction in your muscle mass (muscle atrophy) ... deficiency of growth hormone can increase the risk for you getting diseases easily.

In addition, this hormonal deficit can cause dwarfism when it is generated in early ages.

Here are some ways you can increase your human growth hormone (HGH) naturally ... scientifically proven ways ... I will also mention some supplements (not drugs) to help increase the production of human growth hormone.

What you should do to naturally increase or normalize your growth hormone levels

1. Lose body fat.

The amount of body fat located mainly in the belly (abdominal region) is directly related to the production of Growth Hormone.

People with higher levels of body fat or more belly fat are likely to have impaired growth hormone production and an increased risk of getting sick not only because of obesity or high body fat levels (diabetes, Hypertension, etc.), but because the body would have to "fight" more to "carry" all that extra weight which is "not very useful".

In addition a deplorable diet contaminates our organism.

In one study, it was determined that individuals with 3 times more body fat amount in the belly had less than half the amount of growth hormone than lean individuals (with higher level of muscle mass and lower level of fat body and visceral fat).

As shown in the following chart, one study monitored the release of growth hormone for 24 hours and found a large decrease in those persons with greater amount of abdominal fat.

Interestingly, research suggests that excess of body fat affects growth hormone levels more in men. However, reducing body fat levels remains as a key for both sexes in order to increase or at least naturally normalize the optimal levels of this important hormone (HGH).

One study found that obese people had lower levels of IGF-1 and growth hormone. After losing a significant amount of body fat, their HGH levels returned to normal after 24 hours ... it was a "massive" loss of fat weight.

Belly fat is the most dangerous type of stored fat and is linked to many diseases since it is also rooted visceral fat (that which is formed around the organs).

Reducing belly and trunk fat levels (through a good nutritional plan and constant exercise) would help to optimize growth hormone levels and other aspects of our health.

To summarize this section: Do everything possible to get rid of excess body fat, especially the belly area. This will optimize your growth hormone levels and considerably improve not only your physical appearance but also your health, general well-being and in case you need it will also help you improve your sports performance.

2. Fast Intermittently.

Intermittent fasting is a dietary approach that limits feeding for short periods of time. It can be done in many different ways.

A common approach is a daily window eating small amounts of food for 8 hours with a 16-hour of fasting. Another type of intermittent fasting involves 2 days of eating only 500-600 calories doing this every week ... another type of fasting that requires strict medical control involves consuming only water and intravenous application of multivitamins and minerals.

Intermittent fasting can help you optimize your growth hormone levels in several ways.

First, it can help you lower body fat, which directly affects the production of HGH ... However, if you can achieve reduce your body fat levels through proper nutrition and consistent practice of exercise, you can avoid "To suffer" the "endure hunger" (because it is not easy).

Second, it will keep your insulin levels low for most of the day, since insulin is obviously released when you eat food.

This may also provide benefits since studies suggest that high levels of insulin can disrupt the natural production of human growth hormone.

A systematic review found a study where were determined the effects of 3-day fasting followed on growth hormone levels which increased by more than 300%. After a week of fasting, those levels had increased by a massive 1,250% ... However, these studies are for more than 20 years ago.

Other studies have found similar effects, with double or triple growth hormone levels after only 2-3 days of fasting.

As shown in the following chart, one study found large differences in growth hormone (HGH) levels on the day of fasting compared to the day of feeding.

But be aware that it was a controlled fast where the participants (6 healthy men) were given intravenously with multivitamins and minerals ... avoid an improvised fast because it could have adverse effects on your health.

To summarize this point: fasting can significantly increase human growth hormone levels, although further research is needed to stipulate a clear pattern to follow without this (fasting) factor jeopardizing health, well-being and physical performance of a person no matter if is man or woman.

3. Try to consume an Arginine Supplement.

Although most people tend to use amino acids like arginine to consume minutes before or minutes after a physical workout, a study shows that this has little or no benefit to increase growth hormone levels.

Two other studies confirmed this, finding no difference between exercise alone or exercise plus arginine intake in the pre or post training period. However, when arginine was taken alone and at times other than the hourly range of the training session, significant increases were found in growth hormone levels.

Other studies without performing physical exercises or training routines also support the use of arginine as a stimulant and / or regulator of growth hormone levels (note that if the levels of this hormone in your body are good and healthy, taking arginine will not make these levels increase in an anti-natural way).

One study examined the effects of taking 45 or 114 mg of arginine per pound (100 or 250 mg per kg) of body weight, or about 6-10 or 15-20 grams per day.

They found no effect for the lowest doses, but participants who took the larger doses had about a 60% increase in growth hormone levels during the sleep period.

To summarize this point: higher doses of an arginine supplement can improve the production of growth hormone but not when it is taken around the training period or the exercise workout routine with or without weights regardless of the intensity of the session.

4. Reduces sugar intake.

A high increase in blood glucose levels and hence the hormone insulin can decrease the production of growth hormone.

Refined carbohydrates and sugar increase insulin levels in considerable amounts (of course, the greater the amount of food consumed of this type, the more insulin the body will be forced to segregate), so reducing your intake can help optimize levels of growth hormone.

One study found that healthy non-diabetic people had 3 to 4 times higher levels of growth hormone than diabetics who have "impaired" carbohydrate tolerance and hence impaired insulin function.

Along with the insulin levels that are directly affected, excess sugar is a key factor also in the increase of fat weight and therefore in obesity, which also affect the levels of growth hormone.

However, consuming sugar in moderation and at sporadically could not significantly affect growth hormone levels at least not for long periods of time.

Keep in mind that what you eat, in a high percentage, will represent the most profound effects on your health based mainly on the secretion of hormones and levels in body composition (lean mass, fat mass, bone density, etc.).

Conclusion of this point: High insulin levels due to excessive sugar consumption can reduce the production of human growth hormone. Therefore, limiting the intake of large amounts of sugar and refined carbohydrates is key to naturally increasing the levels of GH or HGH (it is the same).

5. Do not eat much before going to sleep.

Of course this varies a lot in each person. It depends on the basal and total energy requirement of each person.

Our body naturally releases significant amounts of growth hormone, especially at night in the deep sleep phases (REM cycles).

Since most meals cause an increase in insulin levels (mainly when meals are heavily loaded with complex and / or simple carbohydrates), some experts suggest avoiding foods in large amounts for at least two hours before bedtime.

In particular, a meal high in carbohydrates or high in protein can increase insulin levels and potentially block part of the growth hormone released at night.

However, while this makes sense in theory, there is a lack of direct research to corroborate it ... ie to determine the exact amounts of food to be consumed and the exact levels affected in terms of GH production.

However, insulin levels usually decrease 2-3 hours after eating, so it is possible that avoiding carbohydrate or protein-based meals 2-3 hours before bedtime is sufficient to prevent this from affecting production of human growth hormone.

Conclusion: more research is needed on the effects of food intake just before bed and nighttime growth hormone (GH) production.

In the meantime, it is recommended that you avoid consuming food 2 to 3 hours before bedtime (or at least avoid consuming large amounts of it) if you want to have good levels of growth hormone in your body.

6. Take a GABA supplement.

GABA is a non-protein amino acid that works as a neurotransmitter sending signals around the brain.

As a well-known calming agent for the brain and central nervous system, it is often used to help you fall asleep. Interestingly, it can also help increase growth hormone levels.

The best-known study with this compound found a 400% increase in human growth hormone by consuming GABA at rest and a 200% increase in GABA after exercise.

GABA should also help increase growth hormone levels by improving sleep quality, since the release of growth hormone at night is related to the quality and depth of sleep.

However, most of these increases were short-lived and the long-term benefits of GABA consumption for growth hormone levels remain unclear.

Conclusion: GABA supplements may help increase the production of growth hormone, although this increase appears to be for short-time.

7. Practice high intensity exercises.

Exercise is one of the most effective ways to significantly increase your growth hormone levels. Increased levels of this hormone depend on the type of exercise, intensity, food intake around the workout and the individual performing it (age, sex, training level, lifestyle habits, etc.).

As shown in the black bars in the following graph, very large increases in growth hormone levels were observed in a weight-lifting session with limited rest periods.

Due to its metabolic nature and the increase in lactic acid, high intensity exercise increases the production of growth hormone even more. However, all forms of exercise are beneficial in one way or another for both overall health and the production of growth hormone.

Examples of high-intensity exercises can be sprints, interval training, weight training with short breaks between sets, or circuit training to help increase growth hormone levels and maximize fat loss.

As with supplementation consumption (arginine, GABA), these increases in GH levels are mainly of short duration ...

... However, in the long time (if you train consistently for a long time), exercise can help you optimize your overall hormonal function and decrease body fat, which will benefit your HGH levels.

Conclusion: Exercise provides a high increase in growth hormone levels. High intensity training is the best form of exercise to raise levels of this hormone.

8. Take Beta-Alanine and / or a protein shake to stimulate post-training recovery and HGH production.

Some supplements of this type can help you optimize physical / sports performance and post-workout recovery, helping, among other things, increase your growth hormone levels.

In one study, taking 4.8 grams of beta-alanine before resistance training managed to increase the number of replicates performed by 22% during 4 weeks of the study. This factor (Beta-alanine consumption) also doubled maximum potency and increased growth hormone levels compared to the group that only consumed a placebo ... for hormones such as cortisol and testosterone, no changes were observed Between one group and another.

Studies have shown that protein shakes, with and without carbohydrates, can increase human growth hormone levels when consumed two hours before training and just after finishing the high intensity training session ... always remember to opt mixing this type of supplements (protein powders powder) always only in water.

Conclusion: Beta-alanine and protein shakes can cause "peaks" in the production of growth hormone in the short term during or after a high-intensity training session ... of course it is also advisable to apply the other mentioned and those I will mention.

9. Optimize your sleep time.

The greater amounts of growth hormone are released by "pulses" while we sleep, especially in the deep sleep phases. It is based on the internal clock of our body has or what is also known as circadian rhythm.

As you can see from the chart below, the largest HGH release pulses occur before midnight with some smaller pulses at dawn ... ie going to sleep before 12 am (preferably going to sleep at 10 pm or earlier) can help you boost your growth hormone levels significantly.

Studies have shown that sleeping poorly and / or going to bed late can reduce the amount of growth hormone our body produces. In fact, getting an adequate amount of deep sleep is one of the best strategies to improve the long-term production of HGH.

Here are some simple strategies to help you optimize your sleep time and quality:

- Avoid exposure to light before bed ... for example the light generated by light bulbs.
- Read a book at night to help you relax and at the same time can turn out to be "natural sleeping pill".
- Make sure your bedroom is at a comfortable temperature so you can sleep without discomfort ... at the same time try to make sure the outside noise does not affect you.
- Do not consume caffeine before going to sleep ... try not to consume it or leave it alone for consumption in the morning and / or before a high intensity training session (caffeine can improve sports performance).

Conclusion: Focusing on optimizing sleep quality and aiming to achieve 7-10 hours of good quality sleep at night, and trying to lie down early, can help you to increase your levels of growth hormone (GH).

10. Take a melatonin supplement.

Melatonin is a hormone that plays an important role when it comes to sleeping and also influences the regulation of blood pressure.

Melatonin supplements have become a popular aid in improving the quality and quantity of sleep. And not only through this factor (improving sleep quality) melatonin could improve HGH production, because studies show that consuming it as such directly affects the production of human growth hormone.

Melatonin is also quite safe and non-toxic. However, it can alter brain chemistry in some ways (maybe it can trigger nightmares and other discomforts), so it's best to consult your doctor before you start consuming it ... however the toxicology of melatonin consumption is still Is not clear ... although it is necessary to take into account that for example in Europe melatonin is not sold without a medical prescription.

To maximize its effects, take 1 to 5 mg (milligrams) about 30 minutes before bedtime. Start with a low dose to assess your tolerance to this hormone, then increase your dose if necessary.

Conclusion: Melatonin supplements can improve sleep quality and increase the natural production of your body's growth hormone.

11. Try these other natural supplements.

Several other supplements can improve the production of human growth hormone, including:

Glutamine: A single dose of 2 grams can increase HGH levels for a short period of time by up to 78%.

Creatine: A dose of 20 grams of creatine significantly increased HGH levels for 2-6 hours ... however, this can cause some discomfort like mild diarrhea ... and in addition it is a supply of creatine in people who perform in addition to high intensity workouts.

Ornithine: One study gave ornithine to participants 30 minutes after a high-intensity exercise session and found a higher peak in human growth hormone levels.

L-dopa: In patients with Parkinson's disease, 500 mg of L-dopa increased HGH levels for up to 2 hours.

Glycine: Studies have found that glycine can improve physical / sports performance and provide short-term peaks of growth hormone.

While all of these supplements can boost your growth hormone levels, it has only been proven to work by increasing levels of this hormone for relatively short periods of time.

Conclusion: Several natural supplements can increase production of the human growth hormone for short periods of time.

Why is it important to have optimal levels of human growth hormone?

Having optimal levels of growth hormone in our body is especially important while we are on a plan to lose weight in body fat ... it is also essential if we want to help us recover from some kind of ailment, illness or injury and also to stimulate performance Sports and good post-workout recovery to allow optimal growth of muscle mass (hypertrophy) and to be able to optimally re-face a new workout.

Interestingly, our diet and lifestyle choices can have a huge effect on our growth hormone levels ... so you already know that you should mentalise yourself to improve these parts.

As with other key hormones, such as testosterone and estrogen, having healthy levels of growth hormone is important.

Following the above tips, you can increase your growth hormone levels quite easily ... you can read the studies referenced below to corroborate all the information exposed in this article.


Forsling ML (1999). The effect of melatonin administration on pituitary hormone secretion in man.

Goto K (2005). The impact of metabolic stress on hormonal responses and muscular adaptations.

Hoffman J (2008). Beta-alanine and the hormonal response to exercise.

J Clin Invest (1968). Growth hormone secretion during sleep.

Johannes D. Veldhuis (2009). Novel Relationships of Age, Visceral Adiposity, Insulin-Like Growth Factor (IGF)-I and IGF Binding Protein Concentrations to Growth Hormone (GH) Releasing-Hormone and GH Releasing-Peptide Efficacies in Men during Experimental Hypogonadal Clamp.

K Y Ho (1988). Fasting enhances growth hormone secretion and amplifies the complex rhythms of growth hormone secretion in man.

Lanzi R (1999). Elevated insulin levels contribute to the reduced growth hormone (GH) response to GH-releasing hormone in obese subjects.

Marcell TJ (1999). Oral arginine does not stimulate basal or augment exercise-induced GH secretion in either young or old adults.

Powers ME (2008). Growth hormone isoform responses to GABA ingestion at rest and after exercise.

Rasmussen MH (1995). Massive weight loss restores 24-hour growth hormone release profiles and serum insulin-like growth factor-I levels in obese subjects.

Schedel JM (2000). Acute creatine loading enhances human growth hormone secretion.

Suminski RR( 1997). Acute effect of amino acid ingestion and resistance exercise on plasma growth hormone concentration in young men.

YL Wright (2013). Secrets About Growth Hormone To Build Muscle Mass, Increase Bone Density, And Burn Body Fat!

Van Loon LJ (2000). Plasma insulin responses after ingestion of different amino acid or protein mixtures with carbohydrate.

Welbourne TC (1995). Increased plasma bicarbonate and growth hormone after an oral glutamine load.

Everything About Growth Hormone.