How to boost your metabolism in order to burn fat and lose weight?

Burning fat is a goal that for health and aesthetics should be raised by each person and not to envy those who have a fast metabolism and therefore usually eliminate or burn good amounts of body fat without any problem, even when they eat large quantities of food and even when these are usually those considered as "cheat meals" or fast foods.

You should understand that although the genetic potential plays a very important role not only in the burning of body fat when you are in a state of rest and when you perform different physical activities (including the practice of physical exercise, of course) but also in the relatively easy gain of muscle mass and bone density, it is possible to break that barrier: beat genetics with good habits of life.

Although at the same time, some people are often less favored by a metabolism that is too fast so they may have difficulties when trying to increase their muscle mass, even if they usually spend several days, weeks or months of hard training at the gym, sport centers or another place well implemented to perform a variety of physical exercises with and without weights that allows a good stimulation of skeletal muscle tissue to allow it to hypertrophy.

How to keep an active or fast metabolism over the years?

As we age our metabolism tends to slow or slow down, or seen in a different way our body begins to require less and less energy to survive which usually causes many people to accumulate body fat excessively as their chronological age advances because they simply continue consuming food in the same way (and sometimes in larger amounts) compared to when they used to be younger, so for this reason their organisms simply see the need to accumulate that caloric excess in fatty tissue at the adipose and visceral level (which is formed around the organs).

You may have heard or read in one of the other articles that I wrote that "the more muscle mass you have the lower the level of body fat there will be", and this has to do with the "acceleration" or "increase" of the metabolism that is generated by the increase in total and basal energy expenditure that the body requires to survive and of course to try to maintain the gained level of strength and muscle mass.

This is why when you usually spend a lot of time training hard at the gym or elsewhere, you tend to experience considerable (and sometimes disproportionate) increases in appetite.

Now, to boost our metabolism to force our body to burn more fat in the state of rest it is not only based on taking care of food, because although the restriction of Calories consumed by food and / or supplements can help a person to lose weight (that slims, which depletes their total body mass), this loss is usually not only from body fat, but also can cause slight or considerable losses of lean mass (Skeletal muscle mass) and bone density, mainly.

Maybe you will say that this is of minor importance in order to see the number of your global weight decreasesing, but losing muscle mass and bone density is unhealthy, because not only makes your metabolism decrease but also your body could go into "saving mode" by starting to accumulate the few amounts of any food into body fat, and also this extremely los amounts of foods increases considerably the risk of suffering some type of injury at muscle level even if the activities performed are relatively simple (get up from the bed, bending over to pick something up, climbing stairs, etc.).

Why? Because you are not doing something to improve the size and clarity of your muscles or the density of your bones (that is, mere good nutrition does not help to improve these qualities: you must also train hard for this purpose!)

Boost your metabolism so you can burn more fat

The first thing to keep in mind, yes or yes, in order to make your metabolism "faster" so that way you can burn more calories from the reserve of fats (triglycerides) that accumulates in your adipose tissue, is increasing your basal metabolic rate by increasing your muscle mass (lean mass: fat-free mass).

This would allow your body to see the need to increase oxidative caloric expenditure (fats require a lot of oxygen to be "burned"), because in addition to the high intensity or moderate intensity workouts executed by prolonged periods of time, this also improves both your aerobic power and your aerobic capacity, respectively.

It is not only about eating more times a day in small portions, it is not only about increasing the intake of foods considered as protein, it is not about drinking water in large quantities, because if you do not train to increase your muscle mass or at least to improve Your cardiorespiratory ability (assuming that you do not focus so much on the hypertrophy of your white skeletal muscle fibers but more on improving the oxidative capacities of red fibers and that therefore you train in level of athletics, cycling, etc.), simply your metabolism, as I mentioned, will go in the "saving mode" and then will tend to slow down even more.

I want you to understand that there are no magical supplements that make you burn fat like crazy.

Supplements known as fat burners, among which you can find chromium picolinate, L-carnitine, Hydroxycut Muscletech (which brings carnitine), CLA, among others, which promise to make your body can eliminate larger amounts of fat compared to the amounts he (your body or body) considers it necessary to "burn" according to the physical activities performed.

Supplements that promise to make your metabolism faster to make you burn fat while watching TV, while you sleep and / or while performing other types of activities of lower intensity and low complexity.

Your body will burn fat according to the increase in your basal metabolism caused by high intensity (mainly) workouts, that's as simple as that. Do not be fooled by the false advertising of companies that pay large sums of money to let them promote what they want to make people believe through the products they market.

That is, for example, although it is true that Carnitine is a chemical compound (in this case: an amine) that is responsible for the transport of fatty acids from triglycerides (reserve fats) to take them to the mitochondria and thus being able to produce energy (by "burning" fat), taking or consuming L-carnitine (the "L" simply indicates that it is for human consumption) will not cause the body to synthesize larger amounts of Carnitine and therefore have a greater transport Of fatty acids to be "burned" in oxidative energy metabolism.

The body will synthesize what it considers necessary according to the amino acids you consume in your diet, in this case being the methionine and lysine for the synthesis of the Carnitine that the body considers necessary to create or to produce based on the energy requirements of each person according to its Basal metabolism, and therefore to their level of fitness (adding to this, of course, the age, sex of the person, level of stress, etc.).

When it comes to food, you should understand that for example eating essential fatty acids (omega 3, omega 6, among others) by capsules, softgels and / or food, will not cause your body to burn fat like crazy.

These essential fatty acids can contribute to the production of high-density lipoproteins (HDL) which are responsible for eradicating the cholesterol that accumulates in the arterial walls because of the low-density lipoproteins (LDL) that serve to eradicate excessive cholesterol that is formed in the liver (the "bad" is that it only reaches them to leave it in the arterial walls... so that is why is so important to maintain good levels of HDL).

So omega 6, omega 3 or other types of essential fatty acids (which the body can not synthesize and therefore consumes them through the diet) do not help you lose weight or burn fat, but they could help improve the State of your cardiovascular system.

Does exposure to cold increase metabolism?

Exposure to cold climates does not in itself increase a person's metabolism, or at least not for a prolonged period. That is to say, during the decrease of the ambient temperature for obvious reasons our organism must increase the production of energy mainly by burning fat to try to converge able and stable levels of internal temperature to avoid you die because of hypothermia, and for this reason the burning of fat can increase.

Hence many recommend from time to time to expose themselves to the cold preferably without so much clothing to force that the brown fat can be stimulated, which is a type of fat that is increased thanks to the increase of the metabolism of a person both thanks to high-intensity training (to a greater extent) and by constant and short exposures to low-temperature climates (He, Johnston, Zeitlinger, City, & City, 2015).

This type of fat tissue can increase the fat "burn" considerably, but to produce it it is necessary to perform high intensity workouts, increase muscle mass and of course avoid a deplorable diet (avoid a diet high in saturated fat, high in refined sugars, high in difficult-to-digest proteins such as sausages and dairy products).


You must understand that increasing your metabolism, making it fast so that you can burn more fat even in a state of rest and of course while you exercise, not only depends on taking care of your nutritional part, and does not depend on magic supplements (which I explained to you Which do not work since people usually lose weight or lose fat Not because of them but because of the nutritional changes they have to make, the same changes indicated on the back of the same product packaging and / or by those who market them, and to exercise Physical), but of what you do in terms of physical exercise.

Sendetarism is the worst enemy of your metabolism and of course of your health as it negatively alters health-related fitness components (body composition, strength, muscular endurance, cardiorespiratory endurance, flexibility).